Reporting Bugs What are bugs? Since EverQuest is an unfinished product, naturally you will encounter bugs during the beta test. A bug is a flaw in the software which causes undesired effects during gameplay. The bug's complexity can vary from simple grammatical errors and non-functional options, to the more severe problems such as game crashes and character statistic deficiencies. There are several levels of classifying bugs, this helps us determine which area of gameplay the problem occurs in. They are listed in the order of severity: Game Crash Statistics Audio/Video Controls Front-end (character selection) Bugs such as crashes, statistic errors, and audio/video card problems will have priority over others, however, all reported bugs will be attended to ASAP. Encountering a Bug While playing EverQuest, you will encounter bugs. It is important that any bugs encountered are immediately reported via a "Bug Submission Form"(BSF). Most bugs found will be simple, obvious problems such as incorrect text, textures, or other visual problems. However, bugs such as crashes and statistic inconsistencies may be more difficult to pinpoint. If any of the mentioned problems occur, a few simple steps should be taken before submitting the bug. Check to see that the problem is consistent, if so, narrow down the key reasons that are the cause(such as certain items equipped, keystrokes, etc.). If you are unable to track down the cause of the problem, and cannot reproduce it, then bring it to the attention of a GM. If you cannot reach a GM, a BSF containing a detailed description of the problem should be submitted. Bug Submission Forms As previously mentioned, bugs will be submitted via an in-game Bug Submission Form. To access the form, activate the chat bar and type "/b", then press the "Enter" key. When filling out a BSF, the following details should be included; computer specifications(CPU brand and speed, audio/video card brand, and amount of RAM), zone name, character race and class, items the character has equipped or is carrying, the actions of the character and or others in the area at the time the bug occurred, and a detailed description of the bug. Submitting a BSF with as much detail as possible will help direct the programmers to the problem, which in turn will result in faster bug fixes. *Please note, any users that are found to be exploiting any bug that is advantageous to the progression of their character or harmful to other players, will be removed immediately from the EverQuest beta test.